Thursday 16 January 2014

Just a little something

I have a problem... my dog is mad with me! Every time I come near the laptop I get barked at!!
I had to take my car to the Busselton (a town 30 mins away) for an oil change today, and Miss Ruby missed out on her beach run as it really was too cold to go there by the time I got home...... a full moon and too much energy is bad news for a dog's person! So tonight my very quick something is a Ruby being demanding photo and some Hipstamatic fun! Gotta go and do some attention giving.....................

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Salad Days!

Today is about dinner again....
I have made this delicious salad a couple of times now and it really hits the spot..a new favorite!

I finely slice cabbage, fennel and red onion, grate some carrot (large grate) mix it all together, quantities are basically how you feel and what you have on hand. Next I stir through some organic whole grain mustard and I good handful of herbs from the garden, today I used  watercress, basil, parsley and mint. stir again. I then top with some fish (whatever you have on hand ) and done!! 
It is great to vary this with hemp seeds, sunflower seeds and or pumpkins seeds or even some chopped nuts such as walnuts (if not having  fish I like to add nuts and seeds).

With cooler weather this evening I cooked some baby potatoes in native lemon seasoning, whole grain mustard and a dash of maple syrup a few with my salad and the rest will be a salad of their own tomorrow.
I try and use organic produce and seasonings where ever possible.

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Raw Chocolate Dessert

Yesterday I made another favorite chocolate treat Raw Chocolate Ganache Torte...mmmmmm!
I love Pinterest and happened to find this recipe when someone posted a picture, I followed the link to this great blog The Wannabe Chef, the recipe is here; Recipe. I used Maple Syrup and Honey instead of Agave (too high in fructose for me) and added some vanilla to the ganache. I sometimes add some chopped cherries and coconut to make it more like a "Cherry Ripe" a favorite from my old sugar eating days!
Today I just sprinkled a little Cacao powder and coconut on top to make it pretty. I keep this one in the freezer and just slice a piece or two off as needed. A super speedy delicious treat give it a try and enjoy!

Monday 13 January 2014

Vertical greens

This Christmas my sister and I tried something new, we made a rule to only give each other something we had made ourselves.... and we both had a lot of fun with it. It is really nice to come up with an idea and then construct it yourself!
I have had a bit of an obsession with vertical gardening for a while now and my sister made me this plant hanger which I love, a perfect choice for me! I have planted it out with herbs that seem to love thier location and are giving me back already for my smoothies and cooking...
I have planted mint, thyme, basil, coriander, parsley and lemon mint. They are still establishing so I looking forward to seeing how my hanging garden grows......

Sunday 12 January 2014

Raw green goodness!

I have been a juice girl all my life, as a child I loved my orange juice (mum did home made some of the time) then in high school I read Raw Energy by the Kentons and it validated my cravings!! So I very thoughtfully purchased a juicer for my parents.......... and I have been juicing and sprouting ever since! It has been a part time relationship depending on my work and travel over the years, but I always come back to it. These days the old "high speed" juicer is in the cupboard and my juicer of choice is my two gear slow juicer which I love to bits! It is easier to clean and I can juice enough for 2 days in one hit and it will keep in the fridge.
Today's juice was  green apple, cucumber, cos lettuce, kale, some mint, corriander and parsley and I added some lime and ruby read grapefruit juice at the end. Yumm!!!  I made enough for tomorrow and Ruby had the left over green moosh in her dinner, which she loves!

Saturday 11 January 2014

Hot day....

We'll today was a one of those hot days that kind of flattens you...... We had a lovely swim at the beach and now well heat exhaustion has left me felling less than creative.... So here are some beach time photos....

Friday 10 January 2014

Another birthday........

Today was Ruby's 12th birthday... Casa Cath seems to be reserved for Capricorns!
Ruby is the best change of mind I ever had... when I moved to Margaret River my sister's dog BoBo "accidently" had 11 puppies! I was not going to get one........ well 2 weeks later Ruby had made it clear she had picked me and that was that! 12 years on she is still bossing me around.... 3 kinds on sheep dog rolled into one has kept me on my toes! Ruby has taught me I can be more patient and that somethings in life are not worth being precious about. Walking every day is unavoidable and a great de stress at the end of the day or a lovely start. Our summer trips to be beach are the best! Today we had a walk, a play and a splash to end a warmish day. Just lovely! Ruby also has a high raw diet (due to a liver condition) and had her favorite dinner of raw vegetables with kelp, spirulina, flax and fish oil, some added water for summer hydration and topped off with some chopped raw salmon! (Yes I could have eaten it but I'm making my own version!) and it had her rolling around the room in delight!
I am very grateful and happy that Ruby decided I was her person. Happy Birthday Ruby! and thanks for always being so happy to see me!  

Thursday 9 January 2014

Dinner time

Tonight I am blogging dinner...... I love a high raw diet and food that makes me feel great!
After a late afternoon trip to the beach with my sister and our dogs for a walk and a swim, followed by a supermarket dash I was a tad hungry and in need of a quick food fix!
 Dinner was a salad of baby spinich and baby cos lettuce with beetroot, avocado, caramelized onions and mushrooms cooked lightly with Tamari and maple syrup in coconut oil, this provided a great dressing for the salad so I did not need to make a normal dressing. I topped it off with hemp seeds and some herbs from my garden. Delish!

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Shadows and footprints

More beach photo taking....... I have began a new obsession of late with footprints and shadows.........once again Ruby was happy to assist with this project!

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Raw Chocolate Treats

The sudden burst of summer weather yesterday inspired me to create some of my delicious tasty banana treats. I used a basic raw chocolate recipe I learned last year from Wild Raw chef Cat (the chocolate recipe belongs to Cat so visit her website for info Wild Raw) I just simply chopped some bananas and dipped in the chocolate, popped them on some baking paper on a tray and froze. 10 mins and I was done! and YUM!!  Sugar fee, dairy free and almost guilt free (they still have calories!) I love to make up a tray and keep in the freeer for those chocolate treat moments. You could leave them as half bananas and pop them on a pop stick and dip (children would like them this way) I like to keep mine as small bite size treat pieces, so as not to eat too much at once! Although since I have gone sugar and dairy free I crave less naughtiness, just a little hits the spot! 

Monday 6 January 2014

Summer day

Today we Finally had some real summer weather.... fantastic! but exhausting....... It was great to be able to enjoy some time at the beach with Ruby and this evening I am enjoying all the sounds of a beautiful summer evening... tick tocks at sunset and and lots of signing birds. A perfectly still and peaceful evening.
Butterflies were visiting each time I went outside today, which is very special  and lovely to watch (I was just not quick enough with the camera, drat!) .

Sunday 5 January 2014

Lazy Sunday

Today was a day to rest and recharge, after a hectic working year my brain and my body just wanted some down time and it was a treat to indulge myself in the art of doing not very much........ it seems wrong  at first... but then I remember all the days I rushed out the door to work whilst I was dreaming of a pyjama day!! Sooo nice once you decide it is ok!! I very much enjoyed the luxury of home made espressos and started my lists of things to do for the new year with the aid of my comfy pillows and some peaceful sunshine.

Saturday 4 January 2014


Another one of my New Year challenges is have a good try at growing some of my own produce, I've been admiring the efforts of family and friends for a while and have at last made the first baby steps to getting my own supply...... I've never been a brilliant gardener (despite my name!). however I 'm giving it my best shot, at least with some herbs and greens to start with.

I've been fascinated by micro greens for a while and finally got stuck into it last week with varied success...... I found the gold old soil method works best for me and my first crop will be ready to harvest in a few days, exciting! Yesterday I had a sample of my sister's crop and Yumm!! I can't wait to have my own supply at the ready......

Friday 3 January 2014


Well today was my Birthday.... I'm not a great fan of my own birthday, although I love celebrating others.
I am in age denial..... I still often feel 12 years old and mostly think I am 23......... I guess life is as you believe and I will be young for a VERY long time!
I received a fantastic gift from my sister the long coveted Nespresso machine, YAY!!
Yes, I love to be organic and raw and healthy, but an espresso coffee in the morning is a much loved vice...

I finished the day with Ruby at the beach and a beautiful sunset, followed by some bubbles and delicious good for me food. A perfect denial day!

Thursday 2 January 2014

Strange summer days

Today was another perfect beach day (for dogs!) thanks to some unseasonal weather, kite surfing was the only thing to do and we found ourselves alone on the beach in January! The beach was still lovely and Ruby had a great time with her spunky little best friend Charlie.Thank you to kite surfers for the entertainment!

Wednesday 1 January 2014

New Year's Day

Introducing Ruby with sand....... our very favorite pastime is heading to the beach for a walk and a splash.....
A happy end to new year's day afternoon!